Welcome! Enter the Eurasian
You'll get investment inspiration from millions of users on a trustworthy and user-friendly platform,Invest in returns with over 3,000 assets.
Empowering the Global Investor Community
Eurasia is an investment platform that provides knowledge and wealth in the process of making you part of the global community.
Eurasia was established not long ago, but our layout is very broad. You can see our investments in the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Canada.
Our vision is a world where everyone can trade and invest in a simple and transparent way.
Understand Our
Easily manage your virtual portfolio with a clean and simple interface
Track real-time trends for each product using advanced analytical tools
Experience trading at various risk levels with leverage, stop-loss and take-profit settings
Connect with top traders from around the world and copy their portfolios
Ready-to-use thematic portfolios
Which markets are traded on?
More than 3,000 trading products from the world' s leading markets
Learn more
We work to diversify our clients' portfolios, discover thousands of assets, and share ideas Discuss strategy and other issues.
Join Our
The collective wisdom of millions of investors is at your fingertips. Learn, share your experiences and join the conversation. Making connections builds confidence.
Learn From
Top Investors
We will provide beginners with the successful methods of top investors in the community, and you can copy the trends of other investors to take advantage.
Explore portfolio
Smart Portfolio
The collective wisdom of millions of investors is at your fingertips. Learn, share your experiences and join the conversation. Making connections builds confidence.
Global Trust
Learn why millions of investors from over 30 countries choose Eurasia
Regulated by multiple agencies around the world
Leverage top security practices
Providing services around the world
Core Team
Our team is young and energetic. This is a top team from the global financial industry. Our goal is to expand our business to the world. Use "knowledge and technology" to change the distribution of future wealth.
Morgan Furmanda(U.K.)
Tam Cosino(USA)
Kevin Slater(U.K.)
Operations Manager
Huang Li Lun(Singapore)
Michael Rowan(USA
Dai Hong Jun
(Hongkong, China)
Stock Manager
Legal Manager
Currency Manager
Marcus Dale(USA
Investment Manager
Business Partner
Investment Program